A couple of days ago I upgraded my SimpleHelp server and clients’ computers to 5.5.3.
Initially, all seemed to be OK.
As part of my semi-weekly maintenance, I reboot the clients’ computers.
After that, only 16 computers appeared to be online with the majority displaying as offline.
I then rebooted the physical computer where the SimpleHelp server runs and now only 4 client computers appear to be online.
I checked about 6 of the offline clients’ computers using another Remote Support program.
The Remote Access Service is running.
I ran the commands:
net stop “Remote Access Service”
net start “Remote Access Service”
The computers still appear to be offline.
I rebooted some of these computers, and they still appear offline.
My IP address has not changed in the past week or even longer.
I would really appreciate any assistance towards a quick resolution!
I am also opening a support ticket.
Thank you in advance.