A Way to queue toolboxes

So I came up with a way to queue toolboxes up. So when a machine(s) come online it automatically runs.
I am using the alert and tagging functions for this.

Create a new alert. Name it.
Put the trigger to be a file. Set it to a file you know will never exist.

For machines, show advanced filter and alert using a tag. Create a newtag. This will be the queue.

For trigger actions, set your toolbox. For the last action, set to remove the tag from the machine, effectively removing it from your queue.

Remove any reset triggers and actions.

You should end up with something like this.

Now to add a machine to the queue, bit it offline or online, add your tag to it.

Let me know what you think and if you have ideas to improve it.


thanks for this!
This is life changing.
I have modified this a bit for my needs:

Instead of just deleting the tag which is preassigned on offline devices, i am also adding a new tag to identify that this “Job” run successfully. Otherwise this is really helpful!

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For some reason I am just unable to get this to work.

I set the tag on a machine, within about 30 seconds SH recognizes it (you see a flag get applied), and then it removes the tag and the flag disappears. So it seems like things worked, but I can’t get any toolboxes to actually run for whatever reason.

I can run any of the toolboxes directly on the machine and they all complete successfully. I wish there was a logfile that I could look at to see if there’s any indication in there.

@Darrell_Swafford or @Furkan_Cevik - did you have any troubles like this?

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Hey @realmx2

I thought i was crazy. When i was playing around with these tags again on the latest SH Version, i also had some weird issues that no toolboxes were running.

I played around with some and it didnt work like how it worked before. Since i was only testing something, i put this aside. Maybe its a bug with the latest version?

You can hit up the support and lmk, thanks!

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How about using the toolbox API to remove the tag as a part of the script instead of as an action on the alert?


Unfortunately, they never documented this API, but it is working (and mentioned on the beta page for 5.3 - SimpleHelp 5.3 Beta - Remote Support Software by SimpleHelp)

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I had no idea about about this API!
Your link is to an announcement from about 3.5 years ago.
I wonder if that means the the new API call is still in ‘Beta’ or in 'production?
Also, what other undocumented ‘features’ are available?

I am experiencing similar issues since about 5.5.6 (I think).
I have not opened a ticket.

I haven’t had time to really do anything lately. If you all get more information, please post. Curios as to what the problem is.