"An unexpected problem occurred while updating and launching"

We have users all across our organization receiving this error message when SimpleHelp attempts to update. Screenshot 2025-01-27 084158

Here is the details presented when pressing the “Details” button on the error dialog box.

When looking at Task Manager we can see that this error is coming from SimpleHelp attempting to update.

Has anyone else encountered this? Did you come up with a solution? Does the company have a solution?

I’ve had a user running Win11 with this same error. I’m not sure what causes it.

From what I can tell, the GenericUpdater process runs most if not every time a SimpleHelp event takes place, including agent service start, starting a remote access session and running a toolbox tool. It may be an inline check, different to the explicit request to update service after a server upgrade.

I couldn’t find this specific error in the GenericUpdater*.log files on the reporting user’s device, but their issue may have occurred prior to the logs present on their device (logs present are within the past 36 hours whereas the issue reported occurred 2 days ago).

Clicking the “Exit” button is apparently all you need to do to get rid of it. It hasn’t occurred since for this user so we’ve put it down being a one-off. Annoying, especially if it’s happening for you org-wide, but not sure what’s going on…

You may want to raise a support ticket.