Android bVNC not working

Prior to upgrading to 5.3 I was able to assist clients using bVNC on Android. Now, although there seems to be a connection, all I get is a white screen. Is there some change that I need to make?

We notified support the day the new version was release about this exact issue. In our case with IOS, happy to see I’m not crazy and hope they get it resolved soon as it’s a feature we use in an emergency.

Jerry, So I got the following reply from support:

Is this a Debian-based distribution? It looks like it has no fonts installed (5.3 uses system fonts). Try the following if so:
sudo apt install fonts-dejavu fontconfig

Which I did, but I also found I had to restart the SimpleHelp server and now everything works. Hope that helps you.


Simple Help responded with a few more Linux OS’s, in case it can assist someone:

If your server Linux-based? It might be missing system fonts.
You can install them using these commands:

RHEL / Centos: sudo yum install fontconfig dejavu-sans-fonts dejavu-serif-fonts
Ubuntu / Debian: sudo apt install fonts-dejavu fontconfig
SLES: sudo zypper install dejavu-fonts fontconfig

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