Does anyone have a successful script (power shell or otherwise) to enable bitlocker? I’ve used @Darrell_Swafford toolkit to pull existing keys but haven’t found or created a script to turn it on without a remote session or knowing user passwords
I had one, but it looks like I accidentally deleted it. Havnt need it for a long time since I use Active Directory Group policy for bitlocker and force the key to store in AD, that way I can lose it
There is a post at the end of this forum here that looks similar to what I used. Verify and test.
Enable-Bitlocker -MountPoint c: -UsedSpaceOnly -SkipHardwareTest -RecoveryPasswordProtector
#Creates temp directory if it does not exist
Set-Location C:
md temppath
Set-Location C:\Temppath
#Puts keys into text files
(Get-BitLockerVolume -MountPoint C).KeyProtector.recoverypassword > C:\Temppath\bitlockerkeyc.txt
Start-Sleep -Seconds 15
#Gets keys from text files
[string] $textc = Get-Content C:\Temppath\bitlockerkeyc.txt -raw