FYI: SimpleHelp 5.3.5 Client Update Takes Awhile

Hey everyone,

Haven’t seen much talk about 5.3.5. Decided to start pushing through to some clients to test. The client side update takes significantly longer then previous updates. (maybe 4-5x longer after they pop offline). Just be aware and don’t start sweating bullets like I did because it was taking so long.


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I didn’t have that experience. Most all 300 of ours took within a few minutes. Of course, YMMV :slightly_smiling_face:

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Interesting! Thanks for the feedback. Normally with previous clients, it would be a few seconds from blinking offline then back online. This turned into minutes of time. Was a noticeable difference. Maybe something to do with my config.


It’s always taken just a few seconds for me, as well. I haven’t updated to 5.3.5, yet. I’d guess the delay is related to the re-work of the service permissions?

My SH is on an Azure VM, It’s used for a few things, so it isn’t tiny. In my tech session, I forced all the dedicated connections to restart. I think the network output approached 1Gb/sec for about 30 seconds. :slightly_smiling_face:

Our 700-odd clients updated quicker than usual, if anything. Usually the next day, there are several with the ‘auto restart needed’ icon. The actual update time per client is just a few seconds normally.

Depending on which version you were upgrading from, there was a new java runtime bundled with the more recent versions of 5.3 (it moved to Azul openJDK)… So may have had a more noticeable impact if you were updating a many machines in parallel and taken a bit longer than some of the smaller upgrades.