This is handy, people always calling for the Bitlocker key.
# Identify all the Bitlocker volumes.
$BitlockerVolumers = Get-BitLockerVolume
For each volume, get the RecoveryPassowrd and display it.
$BitlockerVolumers |
ForEach-Object {
$MountPoint = $_.MountPoint
$RecoveryKey = string .RecoveryPassword
if ($RecoveryKey.Length -gt 5) {
Write-Output ServerUtilsSetMachineProperty(@ThisMachine(),BitLocker,$RecoveryKey)
indent preformatted text by 4 spaces
run it on all your pc’s.
I am getting the same error as Drew_Helgeson.
However in CMD I can get the bit locker keys using this. I am just not sure how to import that info into Simple-Help.
CMD: “manage-bde -protectors C: -get”
This is such a great idea! Cant wait to get it working!
manageg-bde works great from a batch file but the key is on a blank line so I was never able to grab that line. The powershell outputs one line which woorks. Are you on the latest SH version? They made a change to help import data.
$BitlockerVolumers |
ForEach-Object {
$MountPoint = $_.MountPoint
$RecoveryKey = string.RecoveryPassword
if ($RecoveryKey.Length -gt 5) {
Write-Output ServerUtilsSetMachineProperty(@ThisMachine(),BitLocker,$RecoveryKey)
indent preformatted text by 4 spaces
Hey Ryan,
I logged out of SimpleHelp and relogged into it and now it works perfectly. Maybe it was a cache issue or something odd.
As a note to anyone reading this the BitLocker data is saved into Customer Machine Properties. That threw me off for a minute trying to find the info.
Thank you Ryan!
Glad to help! You should check out my scancircle post. That works awesome too.
scancircle post
Will do! Every little bit of information helps.
very new to this product and loving it. Thanks for this.
This will do it:
$RecoveryKey = manage-bde -protectors C: -get -exclude *.ht
Write-Output ServerUtilsSetMachineProperty(@ThisMachine (),BitLocker,$RecoveryKey)