Issue with alert action

Hello everyone,

I am trying to restart a Win Svc with an alert action and it fails with:

Cannot run program: cmd. Code error =2. No such file or directory

My alert action:
c:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /c “sc start svc_name”

also tried cmd /c, cmd.exe /c etc…

Same command runs on server without any issues
I am on 5.2.11

Any ideas?

what version of windows? maybe try:
net start svc_name

Hi Darrell,

Win 2008 Std SP2.
Tried sc, net , same error. Code error =2. No such file or directory

Exact same error on Win 2012 R2

Thats odd. Make sure to contact support. I cant duplicate it. Actually I cant get it to give me any error.
I am running simplehelp 5.2.11 What version are you on?

In your alert are you running a command or a toolbox?

Hi Darrell,

I am on 5.2.11 as well, but running on a Linux box

Alert action : command.
If I run a tool box with the same command all is working

11/06 13:45:36.669: M594-10 13:45:36.669 (+ 0) [LoggingFramework] Executing command ‘[sc, start, fax]’
11/06 13:45:36.672: M594-10 13:45:36.672 (+ 3) [LoggingFramework] Target ‘LocatedAlertAbstractTarget’ failed to log event ‘LocatedAlertLogEvent’: Cannot run program “sc”: error=2, No such file or directory

11/06 13:45:36.672: M594-10 13:45:36.672 (+ 0) Cannot run program “sc”: error=2, No such file or directory

Odd that it put commas in between the command.

I am running the server on linux as well.

Definitely contact support with your logs.