We upgraded from an older version to 5.8.8. Since doing this, we’ve run into numerous issues. One annoyance is that the machines still have a link to Remote Access Configure but it doesn’t appear to do anything. I note that it points to an exe from when the initial client was installed. Going further, the uninstall in the same group doesn’t work and running the command with uninstall doesn’t do anything as well.
How can we access the Configuration on machines now? What is the correct link / program? We tend to have to re-download and install to see the dialog box now.
The reason for doing this and not just going from the server is that some of the upgraded machines will lose access with a reboot if we haven’t manually re-installed. We’ll find that if this happens and we manually run the installer, we’ll find the service stopped. I suspect something in the upgrade failed although the machines were accessible before the reboot.
I generated a new VM to install the remote access clean. When I do this, the configure works fine. I looked at the icon link and it matches the ones on my older machines where it doesn’t work. There’s some kind of issue that is creating problems when the machine has an older version of the service installed.
I’m looking for advice on where to look to fix it. I suspect I will eventually need to just remove the remnants of the old client by removing keys and files since the uninstall doesn’t do anything.
I opened a ticket as well.
Adding on, we found a fix for this. If we download the client again and run it, you can remove the service and files by going to the Advanced tab and clicking remove. One most machines the dialog will go away and all the files are removed. On some others, it removes the service and an exe but not everything. At this point, you can just delete or rename the director. After doing this, we could then connect to the machine another way and re-run the new client again to install it. At this point, the configurator will work from the icon.