So I didn’t know this was a thing in windows: perfmon /rel
Pretty Handy,
So you can run a script to get the Stability Index, then have Simplehelp Alert you based on that index.
Get-Ciminstance Win32_ReliabilityStabilityMetrics | Measure-Object -Average -Maximum -Minimum -Property systemStabilityIndex
New to me, so I wanted to share. Hopefully someone else finds it useful.
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How would I implement this in an a SimpleHelp alert?
I am hoping to post a toolbox soon. I keep getting pulled away.
basically you need to isolate the number you want to report on then if its above that value return a 0 or a 1 to report on.
Create a toolbox. With this powershell:
Then create an alert tied to the powershell. This Return 1 if the average stability index goes over 10.
Then set the alert to trigger on 1.
Hopefully I explained this properly.
$averagerel = Get-Ciminstance Win32_ReliabilityStabilityMetrics | Measure-Object -Average -Maximum -Minimum -Property systemStabilityIndex | Select -Expand average
If ($averagerel -gt 10) {
return 1
} else {return 0}
Thanks, I’ll give it a go.
So I just implemented this. In my last post, I mistakenly confused the values 1 through 10.
The correct values are 1 is the lowest, 10 is the highest. 10 good, 1 bad.
So I put my average should be at 8. So if it’s less than 8, trigger an alert.
$averagerel = Get-Ciminstance Win32_ReliabilityStabilityMetrics | Measure-Object -Average -Maximum -Minimum -Property systemStabilityIndex | Select -Expand average
If ($averagerel -lt 8) {
return 1
} else {return 0}
You could also alert on the minimum, I guess. This would let you know quickly is something tanked hard on the system. Not sure how you would reset the alert though.
Here is how I setup the alert:
Hopefully, this is helpful for others as well.
Thanks for posting this Darrell!