Upgrade from 4.1 to 5.1 Remote Hosts are offline

Some devices came back after the upgrade - a lot didn’t. I did notice this error when restarting the service:

java.lang.numberformatexception for input string

Not sure why it’s trying to parse anything relative to the name. Apologies if I missed a bulletin or documentation. Will save us a lot of time if we don’t have to touch machines again.


Hi Wtfd,

If you are transitioning from v4.1 to v5.1 you would need to run and upgrade services to the final v4.4 version first:


There are some other important notes about changes etc in the documents above and the other transition docs like the 4.2 transition guide if you haven’t seen them:


I’m not sure at this point if it’s possible to roll back to 4.4 and then complete the transition to 5.1 but I’ll find out and let you know.

