Web Monitoring for Remote Access Machines

Coming in 5.2 is a new web based link for any remote access machine - web monitoring:

If monitoring is enabled for the machine and a valid API key is used then just popping the link into any browser allows you to see the top level monitoring data for the machine:

Usage and load average charts update live as does the rest of the monitoring data including the screen thumbnail. You can also click on the screen thumbnail to expand it into a full page view:

Although there are lots of potential uses our primary intention is for this to be used as part of integrations with other systems such as providing end customers with a very lightweight way to keep an eye on their managed machines, or integration into dashboards etc.

Please note: although new posts to this topic are locked you can still reply to any of them if you have any questions or comments :slight_smile:


Exciting. Will it be possible to send a customer a unique URL to show them the stats on this webpage without having to have them login?

Yes, once the API key is set up then the URL will work without needing a technician login, you will be able to just send them the link or link to it from another web page / dashboard etc.

Where do you find your API key?


Administration > Integrations